Leadership in Digital Marketing

Digital marketing sees constant change and requires a forward-thinking mind. You have to be a pioneer, continually championing the latest industry changes. You also have to have a collaborative spirit and be willing to work with other departments.

An appreciation for branding is also essential as you will have to build an online presence that reflects the brand. An analytical mind is helpful as you will have to look at data and learn how to extract the pertinent information that will keep your strategy strong. In a nutshell, you have to be tried and true in your beliefs that digital marketing reigns supreme, keep up to date to support your opinions, but also work well with others, so people want to help see your ideas come to fruition.
Digital marketing leadership requires you to influence others and drive results through collaboration. You must be able to work with colleagues and contacts at all levels of an organization to develop compelling offers and drive growth - Sandra Rand, Director of Marketing at OrionCKB


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